Perfect for these warm evenings!
Live music and fireworks sounds like a great winning combination. And, that’s what you could be treated to in Auckland this weekend… for free. [Featured Image: Ports Of Auckland, Facebook].
Seeport is the Port Of Auckland’s cornerstone event, held over at Captain Cook Wharf. What is usually a three-day affair is now being compressed into one day of fun on January 31, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Local talent – from the likes of Auckland’s symphony orchestra, Chapel Jak and more – are filling the event to entertain alongside the truly spectacular firework display.
You’ll also find family friendly entertainment all day from 10am at Captain Cook Wharf. Taste delicious grub from over 20 food vendors, Tours of the Royal New Zealand Navy’s state-of-the-art HMNZS Manawanui, screenings of the Prada cup racing, and much more.
The eighth edition of Seeport kicks off this Saturday, 31 January. Find more information over at the Seeport website.