The South Korean hit show Squid Game, became the most watched show globally on Netflix back in October. After being released on September 17, it knocked Netflix’s prior biggest show, Bridgerton down a peg within a month, and is now estimated to be worth $900 million.
This week, Creator Hwang Dong-Hyuk confirmed in Los Angeles that as a result of public pressure and demand for a season two, he is indeed planning a second round of Squid Game.
Dong-Hyuk stated in an interview to Variety: “There’s been so much pressure, so much demand and so much love for a second season. So I almost feel like you leave us no choice. I’m in the planning process currently.”
The unmissable, disturbing nine-episode series follows 456 desperate, cash-strapped individuals, who get the opportunity to participate in traditional children’s games, such as Red Light, Green Light, and more in an effort to win $55 million, and a clean slate.
However, the players soon learn that every individual, except the winner, will be savagely killed in the games. Therefore, contestants must be tough and selfish in order to be the last one standing. Indeed, this cruel masterpiece explores the brutality of capitalism and human survival. Betrayals and personal alliances of characters will make you even think about who are you in a game of survival?
There is no word on which characters will be returning for season two. Without giving spoilers, you’ll need to watch Squid Game on Netflix New Zealand to find out who survives the deadly games, for a potential season two appearance.
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